
Navigation:  NxLib API > Tree > Cameras > BySerialNo > 120001 (a stereo camera) > Parameters > Capture >


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Reduces the camera's capture AOI to the region necessary for the currently set stereo matching AOI. This will reduce the image transfer time, especially when setting smaller AOIs for the stereo matching.



When set to true the camera's capture AOI will be reduced.



Note: On N20, N30 and N35 cameras the AOI will only reduce the number of lines transferred in the raw images. Each line will still contain valid pixels for the full sensor width.

Note: This will also slightly improve transfer times when the stereo matching AOI is set to full size, because it crops image portions that will be thrown away during image rectification.

Note: Beware that you cannot enlarge the stereo matching AOI when you captured an image with UseDisparityMapAreaOfInterest set to true, because the camera images contain no data outside the previously specified AOI. You need to capture another image after enlarging the stereo matching AOI in order to get valid depth data in the enlarged regions.