
Navigation:  NxLib API > Tree > Cameras > BySerialNo > 120001 (a stereo camera) > Parameters > DisparityMap > PostProcessing >


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Filters the pixels depending on the uniqueness of the found correspondence. The value indicates the percentage, by which the cost of the next best correspondence must be larger (compared to the best correspondence), such that the pixel is accepted.




An integer specifying the uniqueness margin in percent.

Note: Setting this parameter to 0 disables the uniqueness filter.


Let r be the uniqueness ratio, and C1st and C2nd be the cost of the best and second best correspondence for a pixel. The depth value of this pixel is only accepted if

C1st < (100-r)/100*C2nd

If a pixel doesn't fulfill the uniqueness threshold, it is discarded and set invalid.


If UniquenessRatio is 10 percent: C1st must be < 0.9ยทC2nd for each pixel, otherwise the pixel's depth value will be discarded.