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Specifies, where debug messages should be sent.



Disables debug message output completely.



The messages are directly printed on the applications console. If you're loading NxLib from a GUI application that does not have a text console attached to it, the messages will not be visible.


Outputs all debug messages via the OutputDebugString function. This can also be handy while debugging your own applications using NxLib.


Buffers all messages, until retrieved via nxLibGetDebugMessages. Message copies are buffered separately for retrieval via NxLib, and for each NxLibRemote connection. Beware that buffers are limited and retrieving messages too seldom will loose older messages.


Opens the specified file and appends debug messages to it (the prefix is available as the constant valFilePrefix). The file will not be cleared initially and will grow infinitely large. To prevent problems the log files must be rotated and/or cleaned up manually! In order to remove the log file, the log destination must first be set to a different file or output type to close the file on the hard disk.

Note: You can also insert your own messages into the debug message stream by calling nxLibWriteDebugMessage.