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This node provides a way for the user to introduce new coordinate systems. This allows to adjust camera positions in a flexible way, e.g. when a camera is moving with the robot hand.


After mounting the camera on the robot tool and executing the hand eye calibration with CalibrateHandEye the camera "120001" is linked to the coordinate system "Hand". You can then add a subnode "Hand" under this node containing the link to the workspace origin (i.e. the robot origin). The link tree then look like:


where the link "120001"→"Hand" is contained in the camera's Link node, and the link "Hand"→"Workspace" is specified via a node Hand under this node.

The link of the camera can thus remain fixed, and as the robot moves you can adjust the transformation at the Links/Hand node to reflect the current robot position. This will automatically place the camera at the correct position inside the workspace and all coordinates (e.g. from ComputePointMap) will automatically be delivered in the correct, current robot coordinates.



Each subnode contains a transformation between two coordinate systems. The subnode name defines the name of the reference system of the link