Upgrade Notes

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Upgrade Notes

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This topic lists noteworthy changes that might in rare cases cause compile-time or run-time issues when upgrading EnsensoSDK or uEye driver versions in an existing application.

Note: Enabling or using new EnsensoSDK functionalities might in some cases cause incompatibilities in older functions and might require you to make small changes to your existing code as well.

Upgrade of EnsensoSDK

To Version


A bugfix in the communication interface between NxLib and NxLibRemote required us to make an incompatible change in the TCP protocol. You thus cannot establish TCP connections between NxLib versions ≥1.3.167 and NxLibRemote versions ≤1.3.166.


When using the Recalibrate function of EstimatePatternPose the eeprom format of the calibration data will be upgraded. The respective camera will then not be compatible anymore with SDK versions prior to 1.3.146.


NxLibItem class operator[] now returns const objects with immutable path. This will avoid accidentally setting the path instead of the item value on temporary objects. Trying to set the path on temporaries will now generate compile-time errors. You will encounter compile-time errors where the assignment with operator= changed the path of the left hand side temporary object.

Upgrade of uEye Driver

To Version


uEye driver 4.72 fixes communication issues on internal camera buses. This reduces the number of reported image transfer failures. The release also fixes an issue causing error UEyeApiError -1 when opening the camera the first time on certain system configurations.


Due to a change in GPIO parametrization in uEye Driver 4.70 N10 cameras will not work with EnsensoSDK versions 1.3.167 and below when running uEye drivers 4.70 and newer. Please upgrade to EnsensoSDK version 1.3.170 or higher to run N10 cameras on uEye driver releases 4.70 or newer.


uEye driver 4.62 fixes a bug which could cause the sensor FPGA to enter a bad state making a camera reboot necessary.


uEye Driver 4.61 fixed an important issue with black level parametrization on the GigE camera image sensors. This yields huge improvements in image brightness at the same exposure times. You should therefore check and revise exposure times if you have been using fixed exposure settings in your application.