
The reprojection error of the 3D chessboard dots projected from the left into the right image or vice versa (depending on the Direction parameter). The error is computed as L2-norm of the individual point deviations in x and y.





Assuming a projection from the left to the right image, the reprojection error is computed as follows. Let \((Rp_{i,x}, Rp_{i,y})\) be the 2D positions of the \(i_{th}\) chessboard dot in the right image and \((Rp^{'}_{i,x}, Rp^{'}_{i,y})\) the coordinates of the projection of the i th chessboard dot from the PatternPose into the right image. The (asymmetric) reprojection error \(E_{rep,PnP}\) is then computed as:

\(E_{rep,PnP} = \sqrt{\sum[(Rp_{i,x}' - Rp^{'}_{i,x})^{2}+(Rp_{i,y} - Rp^{'}_{i,y})^{2}]}\)

For a right to left projection, the computation is similar, but uses the pattern points from the left camera.