
The PartFinder command provides all functions for finding CAD models in point clouds. The Function parameter controls what function will be performed.


PartFinder functionality is included in the normal NxLib, but you need a separate license in order to use it. Executing the command without a valid license will result in an error. See the PartFinder guide for more information on how to acquire and activate the license.


Function overview

Visualization of PartFinder main functions.

Function description

Value of Function parameter


Relevant input parameters



Take a CAD model as STL or PLY and prepare an internal template based representation of it. This function will sample views of the given STL/PLY model and preprocess each view for the Find function (see below).

Model, Cameras, Camera, BoundingBox, Viewpoints, RelativeModelSamplingDistance, Angle, AngularResolution, InPlaneAngularResolution, Distance



List the currently loaded template models which can be used with the Find or Confirm functions.



Delete a prepared template model from memory.



Load a preprocessed template model from a zip file or folder.


ModelId if the model is compatible with the current PartFinder version, model parameters in the format of a Models array element otherwise. Supplementary if provided.


Store a preprocessed template model into a zip file or folder.

ModelId, ModelPath, CompressModel, Supplementary


Use a template model to find its corresponding STL/PLY object in a point could of one or more cameras.

BoundingBox, ModelId, Camera, Cameras, Cluster/Count, Cluster/MaximumClusterSize, Cluster/MinimumAspectRatio, Cluster/MinimumLeadingScore, Cluster/Scaling, CoverageDistanceThreshold, DistanceRatio, Duplicate/Scaling, ExcludeObjects, Hypothesis/Score, Hypothesis/Count, RefineCombined/Iterations, CombinedScore, CoverageScore, Refinement/Refine3D

Objects, Hypothesis/Count, PointMap, Texture, Camera, Distance, Near, Far


Confirm object locations of a previous execution of the Find function.

ModelId, Cameras, Camera, BoundingBox, CoverageDistanceThreshold, CombinedScore, CoverageScore, Objects

identical to Find


Load only supplementary information provided with a PartFinder model.


Supplementary if provided.