Software Installation

If you are using a uEye based camera please install the corresponding driver first.


Download the latest EnsensoSDK software release from and follow the instructions on screen to install the software.

XR-Series Firmware

XR cameras come with an updatable firmware. It is recommended to always download the current EnsensoSDK and XR firmware together and update both, camera and PC.

  1. Install the EnsensoSDK as described above.

  2. Open NxView and right click the camera and select Update Firmware. You will be prompted whether you want to select an update file manually or download the corresponding firmware for your EnsensoSDK version directly from the internet.

  3. Wait until the firmware was uploaded to the device and then power cycle the camera.


If you would like to use the PartFinder command for locating CAD models, you need to install additional software and licenses. Please refer to the PartFinder License guide for instructions.

Software APIs

The EnsensoSDK provides dedicated APIs for Halcon, Python and ROS. Please see the API section for details on how to install and use these interfaces with the EnsensoSDK.

Storage of Settings

The different software components of the EnsensoSDK will create subfolders below the %ENSENSO_INSTALL%/settings folder to store their settings and cached data. A short description of the files is contained in the table below. When you installed components of the EnsensoSDK manually, please make sure that the ENSENSO_INSTALL environment variable exists and the settings directory is writable.




camera_cache.json: A local cache file for EEPROM contents of hardware cameras. This speeds up camera listing because opening all attached cameras and reading their EEPROM or flash memory to read-out their model names, calibration state and similar data can take a long time.

file_cameras.json: A list of locally available file cameras with their image folder paths corresponding serial number.

virtual_cameras.json: A list of locally available virtual cameras containing their optical and geometrical properties and serial numbers.


settings.json: Saved global (camera independent) settings saven when last closing NxView. The same file also contains general NxView settings.

camera_settings_<serial>.json: The last parameters of camera <serial> saved when closing the camera in NxView last time. This file will also be applied to the camera after opening in NxView by default.


settings.json: General settings for NxTreeEdit.


eeprom_<serial>.json: A fallback location to save EEPROM content when a camera doesn’t support saving any data on the hardware. These files are currently used to store EEPROM content for file cameras, virtual cameras, and GigE Vision cameras that do not support EEPROM or flash storage.


genicam_cache_<serial>_<model>_<firmwareVersion>.xml/zip: Compressed or uncompressed GenICam XML specification of a specific camera and firmware. This is used to speed up the process of opening a GenICam / GigE Vision based cameras.


*.json: Parameter preset files. See the GetPresets command for a detailed description of the preset schema.


*.json: Our provided JSON schema files. You can reference e.g. our preset schema in your own presets and let your IDE auto-complete and validate the preset while editing it. The schema files also provide documentation for each of the data fields they validate.

Installation on Special Platforms