Using Parameter Presets¶
With Parameter Presets the NxLib provides a simple way of pre-defining and loading parameter sets. The following example shows how to get a preset with a known name and how to apply the result to a camera.
Code Examples¶
NxLibItem root; // References the tree's root item at path "/"
NxLibItem camera = root[itmCameras]["1234"]; // References the camera's item at path "/Cameras/BySerialNo/1234"
NxLibCommand open(cmdOpen);
open.parameters()[itmCameras] = camera[itmSerialNumber].asString();
// Load a camera parameter preset with a known name
NxLibCommand getPresets(cmdGetPresets);
getPresets.parameters()[itmName] = "PatchMatchSingleShotOneIteration";
// Apply the preset to the camera
camera << getPresets.result()[itmPresets][0][itmData];