
The reprojection error of the 3D calibration pattern points projected from the left into the right image or vice versa (depending on the Direction parameter). The error is computed as L2-norm of the individual point deviations in x and y.





Assuming a projection from the left to the right image, the reprojection error is computed as follows. Let \((Rp_{i,x}, Rp_{i,y})\) be the 2D positions of the \(i_{th}\) calibration pattern point in the right image and \((Rp^{'}_{i,x}, Rp^{'}_{i,y})\) the coordinates of the projection of the i th calibration pattern point from the PatternPose into the right image. The (asymmetric) reprojection error \(E_{rep,PnP}\) is then computed as:

\(E_{rep,PnP} = \sqrt{\sum[(Rp_{i,x}' - Rp^{'}_{i,x})^{2}+(Rp_{i,y} - Rp^{'}_{i,y})^{2}]}\)

For a right to left projection, the computation is similar, but uses the pattern points from the left camera.